Sunday, February 20, 2011

Interval Training - Burn Fat Faster!

"I'm sick and tired of not losing weight fast enough! No matter how long I spend on the stationary bike or treadmill, I can't seem to burn enough calories or fat! Ugh!"

This is the sentiment shared by many individuals in homes, gyms, and fitness centers today. As I expressed in a previous post - we live in a society where we expect everything to happen fast!

So I present you with a proposal that has been around for many years now and is proven to burn more calories and fat than traditional slow and steady cardiovascular exercise. It's called Interval Training.

What is Interval Training? 
Quite simply, it's performing intervals which are a short period of exercise performed at a given intensity for a specific length of time.

Each interval is separated by a short period of rest or lower intensity exercise.

Interval Training focuses on the principle of "quality" not "quantity or length of time"

The intensity of interval training pushes the muscles and causes a "jello" like feeling. This feeling has been traditionally associated with strength training.

It is because of this that one feels the "after-burn" which continues to burn calories and fat, long after a workout is over. This is not obtained from slow and steady cardio methods such as the obnoxious 45 minute walk on the treadmill.

What are some examples?
Beginners may do the following:

Warm-up for 5-minutes.
Work for 30 seconds at an 8/10 level of intensity.
Follow that with "active rest" for 90 seconds at a 3/10 level of intensity.
Repeat for 3-8 intervals.
Finish with 15 minutes of traditional cardio for "transition" and cool-down.

As you become accustomed to intervals, progress to the experienced protocol:
Warm-up for 5-10 minutes.
Work at a 9/10 level of intensity for 30 seconds.
Follow that with "active rest" for 60 seconds at a 3/10 level of intensity.
Repeat for 4-10 intervals.
Finish with 5 minutes of low intensity exercise for a cool-down.

What is High Intensity Interval Training (H-I-I-T)?
High Intensity Interval Training is gaining popularity and you may read about it more at:

So remember, to burn more fat adopt interval training or high intensity interval training! 

You may find sample workouts for free at:
Insanity is an example of a program that incorporates H-I-I-T, you can find out more at:

With a little change in your routine you too can be on the way to burning more fat and calories and end the frustration that comes with traditional cardio!

Please let me know if you have questions and thanks for reading! :-)

- Asif Fasih

Further Reading:

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