Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Being Motivated To Exercise

"I just don't feel like exercising. Besides, every time I try I can't stay motivated to continue! Forget it!"

Quotes like the above are not uncommon when asking individuals why they don't start or maintain a regular exercise program.

From my experience, finding motivation and staying motivated is one of the toughest (if not toughest) aspects about working out/exercising!

So how are you supposed to find motivation to be healthy and fit? 

Here are a few tips I gained over the course of my journey and I hope they motivate you too!

Set a "SMART" goal.

SMART, or Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely goals are ones that are more likely to be achieved versus those which are generic and unachievable.

An example of a SMART goal is "to lose 15 pounds by exercising 20 minutes a day (4 days a week) and cutting 400 calories per day in 2 months."

This is achievable versus a goal that states "to lose weight."

For more on SMART goal setting tips and info visit

The Results

Exercise and diet can directly contribute to results. In fact, within 2 weeks you can start experiencing results and once you see these results, you'll be motivated to continue!

In my case a few months ago I couldn't do more than 4 standard push ups. As I kept pushing myself with P90X I experienced a drastic change and can now perform 20 to 30 push ups a rep (total of 10 reps). 

It's results that drive one to see how much further they can go!

Take Pictures

Before you start, take pictures. Then one month later take progress pictures. You will be surprised at the progress!

Pictures are a great way to see how you're progressing and also provide motivation and validation!

Do What You Like!

No one is forcing you to hop on a treadmill and run/walk for hours on end! Find alternatives and stick with them!

If you like team sports, find an intramural/adults league to play in. If you like group classes, take a group exercise class at your local gym.

Hate the gym? There are a variety of at home fitness programs.

Case in point, do what you like - you will end up staying motivated to continue working out!

Energy and Feeling After Working Out

Always feel tired? Think working out will make you feel even MORE tired? 

Well, inactivity can actually cause you to be tired. When you exercise you actually will not feel tired after because of the fact that your body releases endorphins or "feel good hormones."

Plus, you'll sleep better that night. :-)

Stay Accountable and Find an Accountability Partner

Nothing's easier then saying "ahh, I'm busy or I'm tired...screw working out!"

If you have an accountability partner you can stay accountable by having that person check up on your progress on a frequent basis (say daily or weekly)

It's easy to continue working out if you know someone will check up on you.

If you need a motivation partner, I can help! I've been in your shoes and would love to help motivate you! 


Staying motivated is tough, but with the above tips you too can find a reason to start (and continue) exercising!

If you have any tips or advice, please comment or email me at

Thanks for reading!

- Asif Fasih
Independent Beachbody Coach

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