Saturday, January 15, 2011

Stop making excuses!

It's hard to believe but we are 2 weeks into January of 2011!

Gyms that were once packed 2 weeks ago with people attempting to "lose weight" and "become healthy" are now regaining normality.

It's sad, isn't it? When you ask those people why they aren't going to the gym they start with the standard laundry list of excuses, some of which are:
  • I hate the gym. It's too packed every time I go!
  • Everyone stares at me in the gym and I feel out of place!
  • The gym membership is too expensive! I can't afford it!
  • I get bored with the same boring routine, every single day.
  • I'm not seeing results, so yea, I'm going to stop going because hey, it's not worth it!
  • I always seem to injure myself.
  • I can't workout alone.
  • And the most popular one - "I don't have time! I work, I take care of X, Y, Z, etc!"
All I here is "blah, blah, blah."

Listen up! If you really are committed to losing weight and becoming fit, STOP MAKING EXCUSES! I mean it!

Why are you putting yourself in a vicious cycle? January 1 comes around and you swear you'll never touch a potato chip, french fry, candy bar, soda can, or other junk/bad food.

You boast that you'll stick to a workout routine and that this WILL be the year you lose weight. Then what happens? You start slipping come end of January. Valentine's Day is an excuse to indulge and then you get serious because you want to show off your body in "Swimsuit Season"

But then you stop, because "you don't see results."

Come September you're already priming your body for the "Holiday Season" Beginning with Halloween in October, then Thanksgiving in November, then Christmas.

If you really are serious, make a commitment for the next 30 days. No questions, asked. Just do it!
  • I will cut out sugary drinks including sodas, iced teas, and other drinks.
  • I will cut out red meat.
  • I will cut out junk food. If I have a severe craving I will eat a little of that food, but no more!
  • I will not eat processed foods or refined foods (like white bread, snickers, etc).
  • I will eat more whole grains (4 or more servings a day), vegetables, and fruits (5 servings of each per day).
  • I will write down everything I eat. Then, I will make a commitment to learn about the right foods for my body. The ones I was designed to eat.
  • I will do a workout routine that I like!
Don't like the treadmill? Then DON'T do it! Enroll in a group class, go play soccer, basketball, racquetball, go swimming, do gymnastics, calisthenics, yoga, or whatever floats your boat!

If you don't like the gym, then you can explore one of Beachbody's many programs that require minimal to no equipment, your DVD program, and your commitment! P90X, Insanity, TurboFire, and other programs have changed people's lives all for the cost of 3 to 4 hours of a standard personal trainer's (at the gym) time! Programs are available to view at: (Please click on 'Shop')

Lastly, I've been in your shoes. For most of my life (almost 24 years) I've made excuses and didn't get anywhere. But I lost weight and became fit because I chose to do what's right and because the alternatives suck.

Stop making excuses and start changing your life!

Thanks for reading!

- Asif

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